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Register Now for the CR Society Conference!

We are delighted to announce the opening of registration for the Ninth Conference of the Calorie Restriction Society International! The Conference will be held May 18-21 at the Hilton Tucson East in Tucson, Arizona, close to the University of Arizona’s main campus. Come join your fellow CR Society members to learn the results of cutting-edge CR science. Interact directly with key researchers in the fields of CR, metabolism, and the retardation of aging. Learn more from scientists and fellow prac

Michael R

Michael R

A Surprising Factor in CR Maintaining Muscle with Age

CR causes weight loss, including loss of muscle, and young CR animals have much less muscle than young animals allowed to eat all they want without becoming fat. But as the animals age, the CR animals hold on to their muscles much better, and the cellular and molecular structure of that muscle remains intact, so that in old age the CR animals have as much or more muscle as the conventionally-fed animals and are actually stronger. Dean Pomerleau breaks down a new study highlighted by James Cain t

Michael R

Michael R

Do "Naturally Thin" People Benefit Less from CR?

It's not surprising that people who are overweight and obese benefit from reducing their Calorie intake to shed the excess fat tissue. By contrast, it's more than a little counterintuitive that Calorie restriction is also beneficial to animals (and possibly humans) who are already lean to begin with. In animal studies, CR is one of only a very small number of interventions that actually slow down the degenerative aging process, and its "anti-aging" benefits kick in exactly starting from the poin

Michael R

Michael R

The "Dose-Response" of CR, and Comparison with Protein Restriction

Most rodent CR experiments use very severe CR that humans can't tolerate. Lifespan studies suggest that the extension of healthy life is proportional to the degree of CR, starting from a mouse colony's characteristic nonobese baseline. A series of studies in posted in this week's Weekly research updates by CR Society Board member James Cain drills down into the anthropometric and metabolic effects of graded doses of CR, and the parallels (or not!) of equivalent levels of protein restriction. Plu

Michael R

Michael R

CR Society Welcomes New Board Members

At the May 31 Board Meeting, the CR Society Board of Directors elected Michael Rae and James Cain as new Board members. Michael is a long-time CR practitioner, current VP for Research, and previous member of the Board; James is Assistant Professor of Biology at Aurora University. President Brian M. Delaney offered ex officio support for their election at the June 14 meeting. Congratulations and welcome!

Michael R

Michael R

Special Issue of "Cell" on "The Biology of Food"

The scientific journal Cell, an extremely high-impact journal in basis mechanisms of metabolism, has a Special Issue on "The Biology of Food" that includes a lot of papers of interest to people practicing CR. See the CR Society Forums for a selection →

Michael R

Michael R

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