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CR Way Supports CR Society Research!

Paul McGlothin


The CR Society Intl and the CR Way are working together to support CR research. For every CR Society member who becomes a CR Way member, the CR Way will contribute 20% of the membership fee to the CR Society for research.You can learn more by visiting the LivingTheCRWay Store: Store.LivingTheCRWay.com.




Since its beginning, The CR Way has strongly supported the Society, encouraging its growth and fostering its meetings. Now supporting the Society research has become urgent:Blood has already been drawn and the shelf life, even at sub-zero storage conditions, is limited. Whether we are successful in looking at the many aspects of cellular aging, envisioned by the Spindler-Dhahbi research team, depends on you.




The situation we face now is parallel in many ways to that of the launch of human CR research at Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine. At the time it was important to know if the research findings in calorie restricted animals would be similar to calorie restricted humans. Who could have known that the research there would indicate that CR in humans could have such extraordinary results on the cardiovascular system? Remember this:




Long-term calorie restriction is highly effective in reducing the risk for atherosclerosis in humans.


Fontana L, Meyer TE, Klein S, Holloszy JO.


Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U. S. A. 2004 Apr 7; 101(17):6659-63.


PMID: 15096581, NIH, NLM, PubMed access to MEDINE citations


The group from the Calorie Restriction Society showed virtually no evidence of risk for atherosclerosis. Many evaluative measures – such as total cholesterol, LDL, triglycerides, insulin, and high sensitivity C-reactive protein were significantly lower in the CR group, while the cardio-protective HDL was higher. Carotid artery wall thickness, a diagnostic indicator for coronary artery disease, was 40% less than that of the controls, with no evidence of plaque accumulation.


Long-term caloric restriction ameliorates the decline in diastolic function in humans.


Meyer TE, Kovacs SJ, Ehsani AA, Klein S, Holloszy JO, Fontana L.


Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2006 Jan 17;47(2):398-402.


PMID: 16412867, NIH, NLM, PubMed access to MEDINE citations



Decline in the heart's diastolic function occurs with age. The results of this study showed that the diastolic function of our CR cohort resembled that found in people about 15 years younger.



New Research!


Now Drs. Spindler and Dhahbi have discovered that another biological system responds to certain longevity protocols that can produce life extension. The findings will likely be published sometime this year. To study this idea in humans fully requires that we raise more money for research.



Further, the Spindler-Dhahbi research focus in microRNA and epigenetic aging markers will provide multiple paths for ways to slow cellular deterioration even more.



If you are in a position to make a major contribution to this extraordinary opportunity to extend healthspan, contact me directly, and we will arrange for a private phone call with the scientists who will discuss the confidential details of the project.



But even if you can’t make a major contribution, at least consider contributing to your own better health and the possibility of additional opportunities to live better longer by becoming a CR Way member and seeing 20% of your dues going to CR research immediately. You can choose from a number of memberships, depending upon your budget and goals.





Paul McGlothin, Vice President for Research




Phone: 914-762-8878 or (toll free) or 877-481-4841




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