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The Sixth CR Society Conference (CR-VI) will be held in Atlanta from November 18-22, 2009 as a part of The Gerontological Society of America's 62nd Annual Scientific Meeting at the Hilton Atlanta and Atlanta Marriott Marquis.

The first five CR Society conferences were small "CRS only" events attracting between 25 and 85 attendees. This time we are partnering with the Gerontological Society of America (GSA) to have our conference as a part of the much larger GSA Meeting. The GSA has over 5000 members with over 3300 attending their last conference. The theme of this year's conference is "Creative Approaches to Healthy Aging," fitting our goals perfectly! The tentative GSA Meeting Schedule can be viewed here.

The main CR Society scientific speaker tracks will be on Friday November 20 and Saturday November 21.
View the CR Society Program [PDF file, 220K].
[Walden Farms] Calorie Free Specialties
Walden Farms will again be providing their zero calorie products for our reception, lunch and dinner and also some samples for attendees to take home.

Register Online.

Register through the mail (please email david [at] thecellmatemovie [dot] com to let us know your registration is in the mail).

CR Society members can register for the Conference at the GSA member rate ($275, early bird registration discount; cutoff is Oct 9). The CR Society member registration includes both the CR Society conference and the GSA Conference. To register click ***HERE***. This is a great opportunity for CR Society members to attend the CR Society Conference and also have access to the GSA's Scientific meeting. Recommendation

Click on the following link for a forum post recommending this conference.
Letter from Brian Manning Delaney (president of CR Society) about the conference

Dear Colleagues,

CR VI, the sixth meeting of the CR Society, is upon us. Our conference program for this meeting is integrated with the 62nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America. The theme of this year’s GSA meeting is “Creative Approaches to Healthy Aging.”

We are extremely pleased and excited about the partnership with GSA. We believe this will be a mutually beneficial arrangement that offers CR Society members access to the latest science on aging, and provides GSA members with a view of the science and human practice of calorie restriction that is not available anywhere else in the world. There will be numerous symposia that focus on the latest research into the mechanisms underlying the processes of aging and age-associated diseases. The work that will be discussed provides the foundation on which to build strategies for maintaining the health and vitality of people as they age. In addition to the CR-specific program, topics to be covered include the pathobiology of Alzheimer-type dementias; comparative perspectives on aging and life history evolution; nutrition intervention, aging, and cancer; anti-aging medicines; evolutionary biogerontology of slow aging and negligible senescence; genome and epigenome instability in aging; immune deficiency in aging; protein alterations in aging and aging disease; and contemporary approaches to biogerontology.

The meeting will also feature the increasingly popular Late Breaker Poster session, which allows for rapid dissemination of the latest research findings. These posters reflect abstracts submitted as recently as one month prior to the conference. They will be on display in the Exhibit Hall.

Please enjoy your time at the conference and in Atlanta.


Brian Manning Delaney
President, CR Society
CR Society Conference Program

The CR Society Conference program will consist of the following presentations by scientists investigating CR and aging mechanisms. These speakers will make their presentations in four CR Society sessions scheduled for Friday November 20 and Saturday November 21 within the larger GSA program.
Richard Miller
Professor of Pathology, University of Michigan School of Medicine. Associate Director for Research, Geriatrics Center, Univ. of Michigan. Two new systems for lifespan extension by dietary manipulation in mice.

James F. Nelson
Barshop Institute for Longevity and Aging Studies University of Texas Health Sciences Center.
Genetic variation in the longevity response to calorie restriction: From life extension to life shortening.
Holly Brown-Borg
Department of Pharmacology, Physiology, and Therapeutics University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences.
GH status affects metabolic adaptation to short-term calorie restriction.

Donald K. Ingram
Professor, Nutritional Neuroscience and Aging Laboratory, Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Louisiana State University.
A convergence of concepts: Diet restriction and diet selection.
Richard D. Feinman
Department of Biochemistry and Family Practice, State University of New York Downstate Medical Center.
Restricting calories by restricting carbohydrate.

Luigi Fontana
Division of Geriatrics and Nutritional Science and Center for Human Nutrition, Washington University School of Medicine, Division of Food Science, Human Nutrition and Health; Istituto Superiore di Sanitá. Calorie restriction, endurance exercise, and successful aging.

GSA Conference Biological Sciences Program

"The Biological Sciences (BS) Program is designed for researchers and professionals with interests in the biological processes that underlie aging. Paper, poster, and symposium sessions will address the aging process at the molecular, cellular, and organismal level, as well as the specific disease conditions that are related to, or that accompany, the aging process."


The CR Society will have a Dinner on Friday, November 20, and a lunch on Saturday, November 21. Costs are $60 for the dinner and $40 for the lunch. The Meal menus are available in this document (PDF download). Register and pay for the meals when registering for the conference.

Hotel Information

CR Society events will be in the Hilton

AirTran Airways, American Airlines, and Hertz are providing discounts to GSA (and CR Society) meeting attendees.

Visit the Atlanta Convention and Visitor's Bureau website for complete details on the city's many attractions

About the GSA

The Gerontological Society of America (GSA) is the nation's oldest and largest interdisciplinary organization devoted to research, education, and practice in the field of aging. The primary purpose of the Society — and its 5,000+ members — is to advance the study of aging and disseminate information among scientists, decision makers, and the general public.
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