The CR Society International and Announce
DNA, Healthy Aging and Calorie Restriction
A study for life!
Planned to run in perpetuity, DNA HACR is a longitudinal study, open to all who limit calories as part of their lifestyle for optimal health and life extension. Participants will gain unique insights into how well their aging interventions work and what can be done to improve them.
Citizen Science
DNA HACR is a citizen science project, funded in part by its participants who pay for their own testing. Most participants can expect their health insurance to cover some of their testing costs. Administrative costs of the project will be funded through memberships of, the CR Society International, and donations.
You must be a member of the CR Society International and/or to participate. Membership helps fund the DNA HACR study.
DNA HACR looks at multiple factors that influence health and rate of aging:
Participants may choose to do any or all of the following:
Life Length will analyze telomere length of the participants. Life Length is a leader in accurate assessment of telomere length and is founded on research of the Spanish National Cancer Research Institute’s Director, Dr. Maria Blasco. Dr. Blasco has shown that the rate of increase of short telomeres predicts longevity. Calorie restriction has been shown to protect against shortening of telomeres, whose healthy length is vital to maintaining the integrity of DNA molecules.
Personal Genomics
Genome analysis is recommended to help participants plan lifestyles that counter inherited disease risk.
Personal Gut microbiome
Analysis of the gut microbiome is vitally important and could affect other longevity interventions. We are considering many researchers in the field and expect to make an announcement soon.
Blood Biomarkers
These are blood tests that judge calorie restriction efficacy and are based on The CR Society-sponsored research of long-term, serious calorie restricted humans.
Personal Data
Participants will provide information about their family history, health status, lifestyle, diet, stress levels, and other factors likely to affect health and longevity. Identities of all participants and their results will be strictly confidential. The study will be blinded so that researchers and analysts do not know what data belong to which participants.
Strength in Numbers!
The study seeks one thousand or more participants who commit to long-term testing as part of their annual physical. Previous studies of long-term, serious, calorie-restricted humans have used small sample sizes.
An advantage of the large sample size is that it can allow comparisons that would be impossible with a small sample. For example, a woman at age 40, who has been practicing CR for five years, may find others in her age group to whom to compare her results – gaining insights on how well she is doing. We expect the study to answer questions about the effects on aging of a calorie restriction diet and lifestyle aspects that hitherto have been largely guesswork.
Read more about sample size and statistical power:
In Brief: Statistics in Brief: Statistical Power: What Is It and When Should It Be Used?
Statistics in Brief: The Importance of Sample Size in the Planning and Interpretation of Medical Research
The Researchers
Leading scientists, who are also on the CR Society's Scientific Advisory Council will analyze the data that participants provide. The data will be compiled and made available to the participants for comparison. Forum discussions about the findings on the CR Society and LivingTheCRWay websites will be ongoing.
As mentioned, you must be a member of the CR Society International and/or to participate. Membership fees help fund the DNA HACR study.
DNA HACR is signing up participants now. Send your name and contact information to info { at } DNAHACR [dot] org: Subject line: DNA HACR Registration. We will respond with a list of tests and estimated costs, some or all of which are likely to be covered by your health insurance.
Normally, telomere length testing from Life Length costs $675 per test. We will start the telomere testing with 50 participants, which qualifies study participants for a group discount of $575 per test – making it more affordable for more people. If you live in the U.S., you will need either –
to facilitate your doctor's signing up with Life Length and writing a prescription for the test:i f your doctor is in a group practice that includes a lab, this registration can be done through the lab. (Be in touch through the same info e-mail address to start that ball rolling or
- to let us know (same address) that you prefer to be assigned to a doctor who will provide this service.