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CRON-O-Meter download integration with web

Guest cobysan

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Guest cobysan

Hello, Just bought CRON-O-Meter, thank you peeps for a great web application. I want to be able to use it off-line so want to download the app although you warn that the web is preferred over downloading. If I enter things off-line, will it sync or integrate with the online version. How does that work? Does each one know the other exists?


Thanks, Marcia

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Hi Marcia,


First: consider registering with the Forums, and remembering to log in before posting: that helps other users follow your comments, and avoids anyone pretending to be you.


Unfortunately, there is no back-and-forth compatibility between the desktop and online versions of COM: you can import your data from the desktop version into the online version, but not vice-versa and not ongoingly. Moreover, I don't think you can do it repeatedly without losing material you entered in only on the online version. That is, what I think happens is if you put Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in on the desktop version, and import all of that into the online versioin; then enter Thurs online; then enter Fri on the desktop, if you import your desktop data again -- then I think you will lose Thurs' online-only data.


Really, Aaron (the architect, to whom we all owe much gratitude and purchase of the Gold version) wants to get everyone onto the online version. It's too bad, because I'd actually rather stick with the desktop version -- but there are many great new features that are only available with the online version, so I've switched. On the few times when I have no internet connection and really want to look up a food or get down my day's intake, I just I use the desktop version until I am wired again, and then manually copy my stuff over as req'd.

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