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CR Way vs. Longevity Diet

Jane Doe

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The Longevity Diet is  clear, focused, and practical, and a much better book on CR in general and as an introduction in particular. Walford's landmark Beyond the 120 Year Diet is a classic, and should be read as well, but it's badly out of date on both core CR science and ancillary issues of basic healthy nutritional advice and dietary supplements, and also is somewhat badly organized and contains many errors in the references. From here on in, The Longevity Diet (3rd ed) should be the first book that people looking to take up CR read to help make an informed decision and then to guide them into successful CR practice.


The CR Way is overly-focused on side issues, overly-emphasizes unproven mechanistic hypotheses about the biochemical basis for the anti-aging effects of CR, and is trying too hard to make CR sound flexible and open -- to the point that it tends to neglect the core requirement that people actually, substantially lower their Caloric intake over an extended period of time, in favor of dietary and lifestyle manipulations of very uncertain relationship to CR or long-term benefit. And, even if is ready to follow through with actual Calorie restriction, The CR Way might also have the opposite problem: of introducing so *many* peripheral tweaks of uncertain benefit as to overwhelm readers, thinking either that they can equally take up any of them, or that they have to take up all of them or the whole project is doomed.

Make sure you get the latest (3rd, 2010) edition of the book, which is a substantial improvement from the first, green-covered version, being a real revision and not just the same book with a new introduction. It is more solidly grounded in the science of CR, better-focused on core issues about CR itself and the practice thereof by humans, less hampered by bending over backwards with caveats and disclaimers, and more practical to use. And the recipes are better, both nutritionally and as cuisine.

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