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Old But Relatively Balanced Article on Practicing CR

Dean Pomerleau

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Here is an old (circa 2001), but IMO relatively fair characterization of some of the benefits and pitfalls (particularly psychologically) of long-term CR. We do tend to be a bit of an obsessive bunch.  :)


The author's brief practice of CR was clearly much too short and extreme to be healthy (or representative), but overall she does a pretty good (and entertaining) job of describing what it can be like for some people:




P.S. I wonder how Sherm and Warren are doing? Anyone know? I miss them!



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Hi Dean!


Thanks for your prolific posting!


I was in touch with Warren in late August -- he seemed all right; but I guess that he hasn't adjusted to the switch from the List to the Forums.


I had an email from Mike Sherman several years ago -- he had managed to purchase a large amount of sucralose, and offered to share some of it.  I thanked him, but emailed back that I had more than enough sucralose and neotame,  (Actually, that's another story -- I've stopped using any sweeteners in my Chinese white tea which I brew every morning -- I find the tea tastes best with no sweetening; and similarly for the small amount of coffee that I drink when at work (in the Math Dept of the Univ of Rochester).  The only thing that I sweeten now is the rare cup of cocoa that I drink -- with a small amount of Neotame.  The only naturally sweet thing that I add is the new all-natural Walden Farms salad dressings -- they're now sweetened with monk fruit juice, which I find tasty.  Also, I rarely eat a fresh fig or apricot; or a few berries).


Warren and Khurram share an appartment -- we sometimes get posts from Khurram; if he reads this, he mioght tell us some more about Warren.




  -- Saul 

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