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We've talked about setting up such a list on several occasions. As I recall a few people have shared their doctors - and Saul will probably chime in for the umpteenth time on how great his U of Rochester health system is and how much he like his CR-friendly doctor. But as you said, we aren't mainstream, and we are so few and far between that unless you live in a major city like NYC, there is unlikely to be anyone practicing CR near you. So it's unlikely you'll benefit from such a list.


Personally, by now my GP and the associates in his practice are aware of what I'm doing, and over the years has seen me continue to thrive despite my weird bloodwork numbers. So they are tolerant of CR, but don't pretend to understand it.


On the plus side, their continued beffuddlement and cautious nature makes them willing to prescribe pretty much whatever blood tests I desire, although getting my insurance company to pay for non-standard tests is another story entirely...



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I've enjoyed and learned from listening to Rhonda Patrick, as well as the other links you posted. Jeff Novick is my go-to person for research about vegan nutrition.


But IMO any list of online health/nutrition resources would be incomplete without a link to Dr. Greger's website, nutritionfacts.org.


While some people may resist his pro-vegan perspective, and even I have criticized the 'spin' he sometimes puts on the research he reports, but he always provides extensive references for his videos, enabling one to check out the source of his information in case of doubt or skepticism. Unlike other health/nutrition gurus (e.g. Dr. Mercola, or heaven forbid, Dr. Oz), Dr. Greger doesn't sell anything (except recently his book - the proceeds of which he uses to support his website), and he doesn't accept any sponsorship. Instead he relies on donations. Whether you agree with his interpretation or not, his videos on a topic are always a pretty good place to start one's own search to understand a nutrition topic.


The other source I'm pretty impressed with is Sigma Nutrition - Danny Lemon's podcasts there are quite informative, although occasionally a bit too focused on athletic performance for my tastes.



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