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measure the impact of bad health habits on life expectancy


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Measuring Burden of Unhealthy Behaviours Using a Multivariable Predictive Approach: Life Expectancy Lost in Canada Attributable to Smoking, Alcohol, Physical Inactivity, and Diet.
Manuel DG, Perez R, Sanmartin C, Taljaard M, Hennessy D, Wilson K, Tanuseputro P, Manson H, Bennett C, Tuna M, Fisher S, Rosella LC.
PLoS Med. 2016 Aug 16;13(8):e1002082. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002082. eCollection 2016 Aug.
PMID: 27529741
[i believe that Dean has provided evidence that physical acitivity is  the major risk for premature death.]
My Results

Life Expectancy 90.6 years info.png

Largest risk is Diet info.png

Health age 63.4 years info.png

Your chances of seeing your event my 100th birthday in 2047 are 13.3

See how big your life really is: In my life, I will eat 524 sacks of potatoes



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Risk Factors You Average*
Target Physical Activity      
Total physical activity (METS/week) 47 14.8 --- Moderate to vigorous activity (Minutes/week) 240 50.4 At least 150
Fruits and vegetables      
BigLife diet score 6 5.0 --- Fruits and vegetables (servings/day) 8 4.3 7
Smoking Non-Smoker Former Quit or don't start
Alcohol (weekly) 0 5.2 Max 15/week
Body Mass Index 18.1 27.6 18.5 to 24.9
* The average Canadian for your age and sex. See FAQ on projectbiglife.ca for target recommendations.
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Thanks Al!

I did their calculator and got a life expectancy of 91 years, health age 42 (-10 years from actual) and my chance of living to 100 of 24%. It went up to 25% if I said I had immigrated to Canada. Perhaps not a bad idea :-).


It claims my biggest risk is air pollution, despite the fact that it didn't know where I live, and in fact I live in a very rural suburban area with low pollution and good air quality.

I consider those figures about right, but perhaps with higher variance than the average person. I.e. I'm more likely than that to live to 100, but also more likely to die earlier than 90 from some rare illness, disease or disorder due to the bizzaro lifestyle I lead.

I expect the same is true for quite a few of us loonies (not the Canadian kind :-)). We've chosen to go out on a limb by pushing the envelope and so it's hard to extrapolate life expectancy based on statistics of people near the middle of the lifestyle bell curve.


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Yeah I'm ten years below my current age, too, with a life expectancy of 91.1. My largest risk is "neighborhood deprivation" no surprise there. I live in an urban neighborhood that's rapidly shifting as it gentrifies. And while I once saw gentrification as mostly good, the Black Lives Matter movement has changed my opinion. I now see gentrification as a kind of slow-moving war. Maybe "war" sounds melodramatic, no bombs are smashing yet; but if you're one of the poor families being displaced by urban improvements, gentrification feels like a hostile takeover.. Gentrification (my take here from the inside and along the edges of it -- very close to also displacement) feels something like the takeover of land, home, neighborhoods dating back generations, community -- history razed and replaced by higher rents and cleaner, safer, more sterile, and (sorry) whiter streets.


So: "neighborhood deprivation" feels like an apt way to target my "largest risk factor." Sorry for that digression, I assume I'm safe here with rambling thoughts in an intelligent online community. Slap me back to arguing protein intakes if that ain't true haha...

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