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Can small amounts of high-GI white rice be healthier than lower-GI fried foods like blue corn chips or bean chips?

Alex K Chen

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In particular, white rice isn't made to taste addicting in the same way that chips are.. so if one consumes small amounts of it throughout the day.. it isn't as bad in practice as is.. consuming lower-GI fried legumes? It's simpler so it probably doesn't have the same spectrum of AGEs as do more fried foods (and which might make rice healthier than many types of bread that have slightly lower GIs but a wider spectrum of AGEs?).


What about rice vs legumes? Rice, at least, has little protein. It is lower in nutritional value than legumes. But it can also be seen as less filling. Ultimately, I see the goal of eating as hunger control - consume as few calories as possible to satiate one's sense of hunger. The trick is controlling one's rice intake so that one doesn't eat too much at once (so that one's glucose/insulin levels don't spike) - this is tricky...

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Inquiline, maybe I'm missing the point but why white rice? Brown rice as you know has far more fiber and this means by itself lower GI, to say nothing of the benefit to gut flora.


Also, probably it's not a good idea to snack on rice all time, you may avoid large peaks but you area under the curve of blood sugar and insulin will remain probably the same or even higher, causing an higher insulin background value, which might pave the way to insulin resistance...

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Well, I eat lots of free food, and sometimes the only choice is between white rice and other options.


You need to look in better dumpsters man.



LOL, the competition for the better dumpsters may be overwhelming!


It's just occurring to me that there are other methods beyond including fibers to try and check those glycemic peaks. Taking some vinegar together with the starches has been found to decrease the peak (at least with a bread meal). So, white rice together with lots of vegetables and vinegar, possibly legumes, should not turn out to be so prejudicial after all.


And I would make one, two meals max of that.

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