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Sources of Nutritional / Brewer's yeast?


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I've been consuming Lewis Labs Brewer's Yeast for close to 20 years now. Recently however, they've changed suppliers - used to be beets grown in Croatia, now it's beets grown in Estonia. The result is a dramatic deterioration of the nutritional profile. 


I have therefore started looking at other brands of Brewer's Yeast - and I'm open to Nutritional Yeast as well. The problem I encountered is wildly different claims by different brands as to what the profile of their yeast is. Given how ripe with fraud the supplement industry is, and the lack of standards, I have a hard time trusting the various claims. 


I would like to find another source of brewers/nutritional yeast, where the ideal combination would be good price + reliable nutritional info + good nutritional profile. I realize that you rarely hit a trifecta, so I'm resigned to the possibility that I may have to pay more. However, at least I'd like to get something for the $ - in reliability and good nutritional profile. Mere claims on the label I find not particularly trustworthy. So reputation and certification would be good. 


Any suggestions?

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I doubt very much that LL's nutrition content has dramatically declined: I suspect it was previously overreported, and we're now getting the straight goods. One thing to note: they used to claim 2 T = 30 or 32 g, and in reality 2 T was < 20 g, so maybe they were overreporting based purely on assigning 32 g worth of yeast's nutrition to 20 g worth, and figured that out when they switched suppliers and started testing it. Or, maybe their previous supplier was fortifying it ...


LL is, in any case, a very good-tasting brewer's yeast. "Nutritional yeast" is just fortified brewer's yeast — a scam IMO.

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Thanks, Mechanism and MR. Sigh, it looks like I may have to stick to LL. It takes superhuman persistence to try to get an accurate picture of one's intake of nutrients, vit. min. etc., since labels are not to be trusted. When building my diet I was using info on labels, such as on the LL - now per MR I may have to acknowledge that for years I was overestimating various nutrients based on inaccurate info. 


Here is an example of wild claims:




Note the "450%" of vitam B6 in 30g of their yeast, not to mention other vitamins. And that's brewer's yeast, not nutritional yeast.

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I use Solgar's yeast powder. All it claims to be is brewers yeast period. It is unflavored, unsweetened and unfortified. The nutritional profile appears to me as quite modest. .3 mg of B1 in 2 tbs, .15 mg of B6. I also like that it claims 13 gms of protein and 6 gms. Of fibre in 2 tablespoons. Hopefully that is accurate.

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Yeah, Mike, I was looking at the Solgar when I started my search. It was on my radar. I was torn: the good - most likely honest to a fault. The bad - pretty dismal numbers. What to do?


Drewab - right, the problem with those products is the pig in a poke issue. There's just no way to know.


Preliminarily, I'm sticking with LL, unless something else comes up that's more inspiring :)

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