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Harmful effects of being overweight underestimated

Guest Cory

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Science Daily https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/12/171201104450.htm  Harmful effects of being overweight underestimated


The article is interesting in the techniques used to eliminate confounding illness (especially early stage illness) caused weight loss from evaluating bmi vs health and mortality.


"able to see how mortality in the parents related to both their own BMI (the conventional approach) and to the BMI of their adult children. Because BMI of parents and their offspring is related, due to genetic factors, offspring BMI is an indicator of the BMI of the parents. The BMI of adult children is not influenced by illness among the parents, therefore using offspring BMI avoids the problems inherent in simply relating the BMI of the parents to their risk of death."


"The team found that when offspring BMI was used instead of the parent's own BMI, the apparent harmful effects of low BMI were reduced and the harmful effects of high BMI were greater than those found in the conventional analyses."



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