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Is making lots of money my best bet for a shot at longevity?

Guest Alan

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Is making lots of money the best way an individual can improve their chances at longevity?


Would this be more effective than actually working on strategies to avoid or work around ageing?


I figure that because so many people work in this area, one individual going into it would do much the same as another and not make any difference really. Is this true?

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Guest Steven Moo

It is human species cycle, as a child before turning into adult, kid or child or even youth need to learn a lot of things to prepare themselves into different work areas for being an adult in future, from highly qualified "smart people" downwards to lowly qualified "smart people", just like bug's life the movie, for them to survive and to support themselves, for families, and for parents.


Once reached retirement age, in which human start calling themselves 'retirement' age , or 'elders', making money to survive become an issue.


The question on "Is making lots of money the best way an individual can improve their chances at longevity?" is giving the impression that for maintaining aging, money is needed, the more you got, the better you are. Money does all the talking. There is nothing we could do. However, one drug or medicine does not fit all human, and human eventually become a study object as "white rat" in real life for future generation.


From my point of view, "working on strategies to avoid or work around ageing" become a more precious studies than "making lots of money".

Human species can keep on working as in "industrial age".

However, "Information age", give human an opportunity for being a better knowledgeable society to manage themselves with information surrounds them, with the sharing attitude from Facebook/ twitter/forum...and etc...


I know medical care or healthcare is very expensive, however, the cheapest medicine that we all not aware of is "water, breathing, no stress, detox, immune system, skincare, bonecare, haircare, brain health and natural medicine". I do found few, but people is depending too much for shortcut on doctor and surgery as miracle, and the "GOD" they believing in.


It is quite norm why people is believing Doctor wants money, and people need to have a lot of money and give them for your aging and long life assurance and solutions.



Personally, I have experienced the following:


a) my whole left hand can't move in the middle of the night sleeping. My right hand try to put my left hand in the correct position by lifting so that it is not twisted. it is a very cool hand like a dead body. After 10 minutes, left hand is alright.  So far I have twice experience for this. It is just like you do not have you whole hand, no pain, nothing.


b) I have fainted once in the toilet. You won't know how you fell to the floor, you won't feel pain, you would just suddenly feel asleep.

When i feel want to faint, I would start kneeling down. The important lesson is knowing how you faint, and how not to faint, and know how to wake up.

I suspect it could work for coma patient.


c) I have one heartburn similar to heart attack experience, where you could listen to your heart beat slowly slowly beat or beat not in sequence.

Once you could not hear the heart beat sound, either you are still alive or you are already fainted or dead. The is my experience. Luckily I know I would kneel down after my b) experience, but found that I need to lay even lower. Luckily I alive.


d) I also have one experience that while sleeping on a sofa, i wake up with my eye open, but could not wake the whole body, head or hand does not work. This experience you prefer not to have because it is quite scary. I believe it is called too tired of sleeping while not actual sleeping. Anyway, I sleep again to wake up in later one hour.



Well, the above experience, it is important to keep our immune system working, and how to protect ourselves.

From a) to d) above, by using the knowledge or experience I have, and I keep collecting information how people die from cancer, disease, and sick as my personal studying subject, I might twist somebody fate, but I do not wish to mess up things like "final destination".


This forum gives me opportunity not to disturb nature fate for each individuals. This opportunity is only for those who loves and appreciate life.


Doctor or people or money is not responsible for your own life and aging. Work around your life and aging. My experience told me that.


It would make a lot of difference if you could notice and found out what are mistake made by the doctors and patients while still paying them a lot of money.


Your parents would be glad if your best bet to do something on the aging for them, you, your lover and your future children by using human brain and general protection guide with the time and the lowest money investment. :)xyz


I don't feel like giving shortcut, but you may find my answer from post to post in this forum. Afterall I am still researching and trying to improve my elderly parents. They do look like counting days which i don't like to see.


Currently I am giving posture and little haircare for my parents. Hope you all have something on hand researching and developing.



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I think the top thing you can do is take care of your body, which really doesn't cost much if anything, tweaking diet and exercise based on biomarkers. The point being to stay alive long enough to BE alive if/when some serious tech emerges to extend life in new ways. But yes, having money is probably going to help, if/when said tech first emerges. I continue to be frugal personally, save and invest to the best of my abilities. New tech is typically very expensive, but then drops precipitously with time.

Other activities, like promoting research and awareness are also important - unfortunately the "radical life extension" movement doesn't have any real celebrity promoters or spokespeople. Maybe that's not necessary, big money (Google and friends) are working on it (supposedly). I often think about how I might be able to do more myself, as in direct research or collaborations, but things like rejuvenation tech don't really seem like "home lab" projects, haha. The other angle is that somehow the singularity will lead to radical life extension, so what might we do to contribute to that end? This is going to require massive computing power and experimental chip design etc, again not something that some lone wolf guy is likely to contribute much toward - and already many huge corporations are working on this (Google/IBM/Microsoft, it's also a big focus in China and other countries around the world).

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Is making lots of money the best way an individual can improve their chances at longevity?


Would this be more effective than actually working on strategies to avoid or work around ageing?


Quest  #1: right now no, it may even be detrimental, because of the time and stress required, which surely impacts deleteriously on the longevity biomarkers. In the future, in the hypothesis of some emerging effective and costly biotechnology, yes. But that's not a sure thing.


Quest  #2: again, right now working on strategies is more effective, at the same time working to earn enough money to pay your healthy food, spices, some superfood, some exercise equipment,  some congenial environment (fresh air, little pollution), and more along this conceptual framework.

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  • 2 months later...

Is making lots of money the best way an individual can improve their chances at longevity?


Would this be more effective than actually working on strategies to avoid or work around ageing?


I figure that because so many people work in this area, one individual going into it would do much the same as another and not make any difference really. Is this true?


It probably depends on how old you are.


At this point, I'm not going to accept that age reversal therapies will be cheap or even be provided by the government in the UK, even if its 50 years from now. I can't take that chance... 


You don't necessarily have to work yourself to death to get rich. Just find smarter ways to work, where you're not just trading your time for money.


Aside from doing CR and taking good care of yourself, you can help with life extension activism and work on something which will make you money, to ensure that you do have enough when it comes along.


I'm a little optimistic that there a lot of young people who have grown up with the idea of life extension, heard of Aubrey's and other people's work, and will eventually make it big and make significant contributions to projects like SENS. I think it's just a matter of time.  I know one *almost* billionaire, sometimes I hope he sees the videos and articles that I post lol. Although, I know he knows about Aubrey's and Kurzweil's work and is in favor of extending life. I just don't know what stops people who are crazy rich from helping more...  If I had that kind of money, a LOT of it would be going to SENS.


So, I think the answer is yes...


1. You earn a lot and can pay for the best medical treatment and have all the money you need to pay for the treatments, even if they are expensive


2. You can donate significant amounts to life extension if you ever become really wealthy.


3. The other way is through activism, and that could simply just becoming a big YouTuber who has a lot of influence. Jason Silva is one that comes to mind..

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A thought came to mind that Aubrey might be able to reach a much wider audience and thereby plant more seeds for future life extension work, by going on some shows popular with a younger audience.  I think Joe Rogan for example could be convinced to host him.  London Real for sure (maybe he's already been on, not sure, haven't looked).  I'm also hoping someone can get to president Trump as well - he is precisely the type of person that I could see getting behind longevity R&D (bombastic, vain, billionaire - show him his future coffin, explain that's where he'll spend eternity, and watch what he does next).

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