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David Sinclair on Vascular Aging — And How To Reverse It — In Mice

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WBUR's audio stream today (22 March), featured an interview with David Sinclair. The topic: 


Scientists Discover Cause Of Vascular Aging — And How To Reverse It — In Mice



A new study led by researchers at Harvard Medical School identifies key cellular mechanisms that cause blood vessels to age. Now, they're looking for ways to apply what they found in mice studies to human health.


Audio should be avail soon at:


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"Now, they're looking for ways to apply what they found in mice studies to human health."


I'll get excited when they do manage to "apply to human health" - until then, it's more hype from the master of hype Mr. Sinclair. Resveratrol, anyone?



"Been there, done that." 

"Cry wolf".



Yeah ... not sure what keeps these "experts" from recognizing past no-shows?



The media gives them airtime because they have slots to fill. 


It's beyond amusing for those of who've been following LE for a while.


Maybe the turnover rate, for life-extensionist or diet hobbyists, is high enough that noobs and the unwashed mass will give these guys some pocket change. 

"Fool me twice ..."

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