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Triage Longevity

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G'day.  first post from a 101 Australian, so please go easy on me.

I am an avid follower of the longevity theme on podcasts in particular.

in particular, Rhondda Patrick, Bullet proof, ben greenfield etc.

they all have fantastic ideas, and as best I can, I adopt their recommendations.

however the list of things to do is piling up.

I am wondering if anyone has worked through this big and growing list and worked out a triage approach, whereby we can focus on the approach giving best results, then moving on to the next and so on...…..

thanks greg


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20 hours ago, greg reddaway said:

I am wondering if anyone has worked through this big and growing list and worked out a triage approach, whereby we can focus on the approach giving best results, then moving on to the next and so on...…..

Hi Greg, welcome into the forum.

It is not always possible to triage everything and besides it also depends on individual phenotype, lifestyle, preferences and so on.

I myself do not follow strict CR for example because I like to be muscular, but I restrict variety.

 In my case I find plant-based has its advantages, with targeted supplementation, plus Longo's FMD, resistance exercise and cold exposure (when it's cold). Beans are reccomanded by too many sources. Green leaved vegetables are a must. Xenohormetic foods are very beneficial barring intolerances or propensity to autoimmune disorders... Some people may benefit from a keto or low-carb diet, the insuline sensitive guys may do very well with an high carb diet, providing carbs are unprocessed/unrefined. Sleep optimization is important as well, within reason. 

So I'd triage the following first

  1. Proper diet
  2. Xenohormetic foods (EVOO, unprocessed cacao, tea, coffe, spices, red wine....)
  3. Intermittent fasting, occasional fasting
  4. Proper supplementation
  5. Proper exercise
  6. Proper sleep
  7. Cold exposure
  8. Heat exposure
  9. More???
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