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Top Mortality causes from heart disease?


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Tom,   I don't have time right at the moment to do a thorough search, eg  at the CDC:


Edit:  See Table A  https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr65/nvsr65_05.pdf

Here's one chart which doesn't have the detail you are looking for,  but you might follow up on the sources.


Chart 12-4. Percentage breakdown of deaths attributable to cardiovascular disease (United States: 2015). Total may not add to 100 because of rounding. Coronary heart disease includes International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision (ICD-10) codes I20 to I25; stroke, I60 to I69; heart failure, I50; high blood pressure, I10 to I15; diseases of the arteries, I70 to I78; and other, all remaining ICD-I0 I categories.

Source: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute from National Center for Health Statistics reports and data sets.

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Thanks, Sibirak, this is helpful. As Todd points out, this is not precisely causes of death from heart disease, insofar as high blood pressure is not a cause of death in and of itself, except for very special circumstances such as:

I imagine that the blood pressure at that moment must have far exceeded 120/80 which is the cutoff for high BP. 

I'll try to hunt around for more data, but it's not easy. If anyone wants to jump in, by all means, join!

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Well, I've seen ACSVD (atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease) indicated as cause of death on a death certificate. That seems more like just a disease process to me. I presume that this indicates that the autopsy was only looking for likely death by natural causes.

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