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food spoilage and age related diseases


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We’ve all heard the old joke that people are living longer *because* of the preservatives now being added to our food.  This article would seem to offer some corroboration.  


Scientists discover new clue behind age-related diseases and food spoilage

The researchers found that hydroxyl radicals do not work alone when they attack unsaturated lipids.  After observing secondary ozonides (molecules containing C, H, and O) during a hydroxyl reaction with unsaturated lipids, they investigated the source.  Secondary ozonides were thought to come from a Criegee intermediate reaction with atmospheric aldehydes. 

After adding “"scavenger" alcohol molecules known to react only with Criegee intermediates to the lipid nanodroplets, she observed that the lipids' degradation rate conspicuously slowed down

The researchers believe that these results provide evidence of a new lipid degradation pathway where lipid-hungry hydroxyl generates Criegee intermediates, which then give birth to a new batch of hydroxyl; the newly formed hydroxyl sends off a new generation of Criegee intermediates; and the cycle goes on and on.

Since chronic diseases, cancer, and food spoilage have been linked to cell damage caused by hydroxyl radicals, the researchers believe that Criegee intermediates could also play a similar role in the molecular degradation that makes us vulnerable to diseases as we age, and that causes food to decay.


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