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Two routes for aging cells

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Phys.org has an article Researchers discover 2 paths of aging and new insights on promoting healthspan that provides hope that human health span can be extended.

Our lifespans as humans are determined by the aging of our individual cells.

cells of the same genetic material and within the same environment can age in strikingly distinct ways, their fates unfolding through different molecular and cellular trajectories.

they found that about half of the cells age through a gradual decline in the stability of the nucleolus, a region of nuclear DNA where key components of protein-producing "factories" are synthesized. In contrast, the other half age due to dysfunction of their mitochondria, the energy production units of cells.

The cells embark upon either the nucleolar or mitochondrial path early in life, and follow this "aging route" throughout their entire lifespan through decline and death. At the heart of the controls the researchers found a master circuit that guides these aging processes.

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