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I overeated today


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Hello, I am new here and this is my first post. I am 19 years old and I've been in a CR diet not a long time ago since I discovered that this diet can promote longevity. I first weighted 48/49 kg in a healthy diet and without restricting. Now I weight 45 kg and want to maintain my weight since i am in a bmi of 18 and maybe lose more weight could be dangerous because it goes more in depth towards an unhealthy bmi. Today I decided to fast and didn't eat breakfast but because I live with my parents at 1 pm i ate lunch with my dad and mom although I was not hungry and could fast for more hours. I ate a small portion for lunch as always and ditched the pork for nuts. The problem was that after lunch I snacked in fruits nuts and crackers maybe until 3/3:30pm. I ate until I couldn't eat more. Afterwards, I felt less energetic and disconfortable. Someone has struggled with emotional and binge eating in the past too? This will wreck with my metabolism right? I've been wanting to slow my metabolism to rip the benefits of longevity but sometimes this happens when I can't stop thinking about food although I am not physical hungry and when I snack until I am totally stuffed. Please any advice or recommendations of books, websites etc that you can give me to deal with my problem whould be appreciated. I really want to change this habit and be more mindful about my food intake to rip the benefits of CR.

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Thank you. Yeah, it seems I have binge eating disorder. Hopefully it's not all the time that happens but sometimes I seem a demon possessed with the thought of food. I know this is not physical hunger but more like a escape for boredom or stress. I did some search and discovered that fasting and restricting calories actually makes binge eating more likely to occur. I don't feel deprived even if I eat less than others, I never ate a lot anyway(with the expecting of binge eating sometimes), but i feel that I eat to answer my emotional needs. I really want to break that habit but at the same time I don't want to abandon time restricted feeding or the CR diet for their health benefits. 

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17 hours ago, Ines said:

hank you. Yeah, it seems I have binge eating disorder. Hopefully it's not all the time that happens but sometimes I seem a demon possessed with the thought of food. I know this is not physical hunger but more like a escape for boredom or stress. I did some search and discovered that fasting and restricting calories actually makes binge eating more likely to occur. I don't feel deprived even if I eat less than others, I never ate a lot anyway(with the expecting of binge eating sometimes), but i feel that I eat to answer my emotional needs. I really want to break that habit but at the same time I don't want to abandon time restricted feeding or the CR diet for their health benefits. 

I had problems with binge eating in my youth. I fasted often, and after fasts my hunger was so intense that I ate hugely. The way I interrupted this pendulum of binging and restricting is simply by not restricting any longer. I ceased fasting, I ceased doing too rigorous experiments, I ate 2 or 3 moderate meals per day and the binge eating disappeared.

I suggest you do the same. Take suggestions in this forum for a healthy diet suited to your individual requirements and likings. Exercise. Try and eat more but regularly, 3 times a day, fixed amount, no more no less. Caloric intake depends on your parameters but BMI=18 is too little usually. The fact that you binge eat suggests that you need more food because you need more body mass. That's a neurological signal not to be ignored.

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4 hours ago, mgoktas20 said:

I am 19 too. And i think this is a process. Maybe in a month or several months you will really start doing that.If you look at this you can see that your BMI is not too bad.

Everyone is different. Matt was born with a very thin constitution and is all right with a low BMI, not being hungry with a low-energy diet. His blood analyses are good. He's naturally inclined to CR. His is a case where CR is followed without effort and turns out to be beneficial.

Probably, a BMI less than 20 kg m-2 is usually detrimental to health and longevity. In my personal instance, I'm pretty much satisfied with a BMI of 24. Parameters are good, although some of them not so low as in CR people with BMI=18 (speaking of heart rate, blood pressure, LDL and BS) and health is so far good. I had to struggle a little to reach that BMI, but a higher, not adipose BMI is probably protective against injuries and hospitalizations. Aspects to consider when a pandemic is around. Vanity is also a part of it. I dislike a fragile look on myself and I'm more relaxed with a moderately stout look. The more the relaxation, the less the cortisol in circulation, the better for longevity.

Edited by mccoy
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I cannot comment on the eating disorder since I don't have any experience there, but what I can say is this. You are looking to CR for health benefits (which it may offer), but don't forget that a number of other healthful behaviors will get you a tremendous amount of benefit - none of which need be related to the binge/eat cycle you are describing. Simply eating generous amounts of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and legumes, without restricting calories will go a very long way. Through in some moderate exercise, meditation, cold exposure, and engagement with work/family, and you're likely to add a decade to your life and improve your healthspan significantly. It's debatable what CR will offer on top of that and you don't have to restrict your calories at all. 

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