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First Week Of CRON


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Hi all forum, some of you know me by my other topic. I am Muhammet from Turkey, i live in Antalya. Today i finished the first week CRON experience. And got my results from CRON-O-METER. 

          Age   Height     Weight     Consumed calories

Start  19      173 cm   54.15 kg   2200                                   

Final   19     173 cm   52.75 kg   1993

Exercise: Daily - On a treadmill 10 minutes running (8-10 m/s) and 5-10 minutes walking(6-7 m/s).

Purpose: To stay young as appearance [1], mental and  pyhsical health. 

Addition: I am naturally thin. I can't gain any weight in a healthy way.I have a high consumption of olive oil. I believe it's effective on SIRT1 through high content of oleic acid. And it increases energy expenditure in this wise. [2], (EVOO)

High content of b1, b6 and iron comes from banana peel. I investigated and eventually i believed that it really has. I exposure myself to sun to get vitamin D. 

What dou you recommend me? And what do you think about my nutrition? Am i on the right way?

My sleep need is 6-6.5 hours. Before CRON i slept 7.5 hours. I plan eating fish or legumes to get b12.

A few days ago at 6.30 AM i felt a little bit pain in my stomach with an appetite. Though my high fiber consumption.  And started preaparing my breakfast. During that it stopped. Does it happen to you too?

[1] https://medicalxpress.com/news/2017-10-fat-hair-younger-skinstudy-benefits.html

[2] https://academic.oup.com/advances/article-abstract/11/4/864/5782385?redirectedFrom=fulltext 





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This week i started feeling less emotinal pain when people around me shouted. [1]. If you think olive oil doesn't work you're wrong.

Oleic acid + calorie restriction works so good. 🙂

And i've read that anorexic people are addictive to SIRT1. [2] An important detail about SIRT1.

[1] : https://www.jneurosci.org/content/40/11/2332

[2] https://rdcu.be/cbYxN 

Edited by mgoktas20
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 12/10/2020 at 11:42 AM, mgoktas20 said:

This week i started feeling less emotinal pain when people around me shouted. [1]. If you think olive oil doesn't work you're wrong.

Oleic acid + calorie restriction works so good. 🙂

And i've read that anorexic people are addictive to SIRT1. [2] An important detail about SIRT1.

[1] : https://www.jneurosci.org/content/40/11/2332

[2] https://rdcu.be/cbYxN 

You want to reach how many kg I want to reach 60 kg or a little less with 1.80 if you like tv you can reduce the weight even when you want to do a yo-yo effect until you are as low or as low as you can get be the oldest man in the world for a while) if you get 4% -5% fat on the DEXA scan go up to 17-18% then drop to 4-5% and keep doing it until you reach a minimum weight so you will live much longer that the CRONIES of this site, if the muscle reaches 4-5% do weight training or some effort.

Edited by Capitao Nascimento
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