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Free Zoom Event: The future of the science of aging


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The recent new book by Dr Andrew Steele, "Ageless: The new science of getting older without getting old" has been widely praised. Here is some sample feedback:

"Ageless is an outstanding, totally accessible exposition of why aging can and should be understood as a medical problem, and of how the world’s leading medical researchers are solving it. An absolute tour de force, it will surely save many lives by inspiring new recruits to join this crusade."
-- Dr Aubrey de Grey, Chief Science Officer, SENS Research Foundation

"Ageless is a fascinating, stimulating and pleasingly practical guide to the science of aging and how we might be able to bend the arrow of biological time to improve our health."
-- Dr Kat Arney, author of Rebel Cell: Cancer, Evolution and the Science of Life

"Few issues can be more important for our future than ensuring we age as well as possible. Ageless explains the extraordinary achievements and promise of current scientific research around longevity. Read it and prepare to think differently about your future."
-- Prof Andrew Scott, Professor of Economics, London Business School and co-author of The 100-Year Life

"In his book Ageless, Andrew Steele describes how the field of aging biology moved from hope to promise. This is a masterful roadmap for interested lay people, scientists at large and also geroscientists like myself—I was surprised how much I learned."
-- Dr Nir Barzilai, founding director of the Institute for Aging Research at Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University

"This is an essential book for anyone interested in the fast-developing science of longevity."
-- Jim Mellon, Chairman of Juvenescence

"An immensely important book. Steele surveys the biology of human ageing, as well as the cutting-edge research on how to prevent it. The first person to achieve immortality may already have been born. Is it you?!"
-- Prof Lewis Dartnell, author of Origins


Andrew will be sharing his ideas in conversation with London Futurists on Saturday 23rd January.

This event will be hosted on Zoom. There is no charge to register or to attend. To register, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_f7HC0qa3SwSPiB8qkhIEEQ

For more details about the speaker and his work, see https://andrewsteele.co.uk/

See also the YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/DrAndrewSteele


The webinar will start broadcasting at 4pm UK time on Sat 23rd January. To find this time in other timezones, see https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20210123T160000&p1=136

You are advised to log into Zoom up to 10 minutes ahead of the publicised start time of the event, so you won't miss the start of the live broadcast.

As the discussion proceeds, attendees will be welcome to raise questions and vote to prioritise questions raised by others.


To register for this event, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_f7HC0qa3SwSPiB8qkhIEEQ

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Dr. Steele's curriculum: has anyone read his book yet? Worth it? After researching the forum engine and the google engine, I did not find any previous thread on it 




I started my career as a scientist, with a PhD in physics followed by a couple of post-docs in computational biology. I’ve now taken the sideways step from science to science writing—I’m currently writing a book on the biology of ageing.

I decided to make this slightly unusual leap between physics and biology because I wanted to work on ageing. Ageing is probably the most fascinating problem in contemporary science and, I believe, understanding it is the greatest humanitarian mission of our time. Ageing, and all the diseases it causes, is the single largest cause of human suffering in the modern world and, by treating the underlying ageing process, we could potentially prevent many of these diseases simultaneously. To find out more, read my book—it should be out in 2020!

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I worked as a post-doctoral researcher in the Luscombe Lab at the Francis Crick Institute in London, using machine learning techniques to try to make sense of genomic data and medical records. I used neural networks to try to model where proteins and nucleosomes bound to DNA, and random forests and penalised regression models to predict patient outcomes using medical records data.

I also worked as a post-doc at King’s College London, analysing survival and imaging data in C. elegans to dissect how genes in their neurons detect food in the environment, altering their lifespan.


My PhD was in physics, examining magnetism and superconductivity by taking new materials to particle accelerators and firing beams of particles called muons at them. Check out my thesis, or MµCalc, the software I developed for Bayesian dipole field analysis.



Edited by mccoy
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