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What do you consider the *foundational* CR studies?


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the best monkey study is Luigi Fontana's two studies of those of us who volunteered for his study.  There are two papers about the study: the first paper in in the PNAS, the second is in some journal of Cardiology.  you can probably find links in the CR Society home page.

  --  Saul

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I wouldn't call the CALERIE studies that informative for the effects of serious life-extending CR. They were more like weight loss studies and not nearly as restricted as people who took part in the Fontana studies. However, there are other positives of the CALERIE study in that they were randomized and not a self selected group. Rather than the starvation experiment, you might want to look up Biosphere 2 instead. 🙂 There is a free PDF available https://academic.oup.com/biomedgerontology/article/57/6/B211/564317

You can check out my article on CR here: http://www.crvitality.com/benefits-of-calorie-restriction/  There's a bunch of references you can look up at the bottom. 

Hope that helps!

I'll check through the links you posted later... 


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On 4/19/2021 at 7:00 PM, aducknamedjoe said:

FYI, here's the published overview: https://www.longevityadvice.com/caloric-restriction/

I added in Fontana's studies plus the Biosphere 2 experiment, and @Matt I also linked your guide towards the end in the "how to start" section, thank you!


Thanks JP! I'll read your article when I get a chance later today. 🙂

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