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Hyperaccumulator plants, esp those that are full of nutritious antioxidants (do they accumulate more heavy metals/microplastics?)

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12 hours ago, InquilineKea said:

chocolate accumulates lead AND cadmium easily..

The cocoa plant is said to accumulate lead and cadmium in its beans, but when I, an avid consumer of cacao powder and chocolate, had my urine metals checked, there was no excess cadmium nor lead.

Ron, another member of this forum, had his cadmium checked and again, no excess contamination.

That's n=2 but it shows that plant contamination is probably and usually not comparable to industrial contamination sources

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to make n=3
my regimen is 20g (85% or higher) dark choko (different brands) and 10g of nibs daily (calebaut), cadmium is norm in the blood test, lead is also but I would like to have it even lower (imho cacao is not a big contributor of it unless it is grown on really contaminated land)


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