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Collagen peptides (particularly vegan or non-vertebrate collagen?)

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  • Alex K Chen changed the title to Collagen peptides (particularly vegan or non-vertebrate collagen?)

I can agree with Dr Klaper but, as Inquiline says, if Bryan Johnson deviates from his strict veganism just for collagen peptides, then there must be a very valid reason. Oliver Zolman, Bryan's main consultant, is a vegan+CR practitioner himself and he may have suggested to add collagen to the stack. A very young MD indeed, but evidently with an insight which attracted some very selective requirements.

I myself am starting to consider adding this supplement, at least testing it for some time. 

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  • 7 months later...
  • 2 months later...

Reelabs has vegan collagen (seen at A4M). Might not come in enough time to affect me though. My visia skin analysis showed wrinkles under my eyes, making me realize that maybe I should take collagen sooner rather than later... (and put in an almond or silk milk shake to make it tolerable). I should not be having wrinkles yet... [my other metrics of skin damage were minimal]


whatever, I'm taking marine collagen peptides, this is not something I can afford to make my life harder on, and they don't have any animal taste in them.

Edited by InquilineKea
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  • 5 weeks later...

I still don't see the point of ingesting collagen specifically or rubbing it on one's skin.

This sums up my take on it:

"It’s also important to remember that taking collagen for a specific issue like improving your skin, relieving joint pain or maintaining muscle doesn’t work. We don’t get to decide how our body will use the amino acids in food or supplements. So, there is no reason to believe that taking a supplement works better than healthy eating."

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Idk to believe but...

look up Dr. Cate...





The Collagen Diet: Rejuvenate Skin, Strengthen Joints and Feel Younger by Boosting Collagen Intake and Production


I'm going to megadose glycine and see if that changes things (and figure out a visia) [maybe collagen later]. My skin still seems perfect on the outside, but the visia shows some wrinkling under the eyes, and I still need the time added from having seemingly perfect skin.

^so actually small collagen peptides matter, not just the individual amino acids (this is b/c of receptors). Damnit, I *really* fucking hate anything from non-Cnidarian animals, but I may have to force myself to tolerate this somehow

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  • 3 months later...

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