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CR and bone density loss?


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I have had some exchanges in another forum on this issue. Is that a real, serious issue? Are there supplements or pharmaceuticals that decrease / mitigate risk of bone density loss with CR? Is resistance training enough to avoid such potential hazard?

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I've been on serious CR (more serious now than ever) for over 30 years.  I have severe osteoporosis.  However, it's unclear whether or not CR was much of a factor:  I was badly osteoporotic prior to starting CR.  Prior to starting attempting CR, I had been careful to keep Vitamin D content down,  The reason fro that:  The FDA at the time advised that vitamin D above a certain level (I don't remember the then current recommendation -- it was ridiculously too low).

There are drugs that really do grow bone, and can be taken for (slow, but effective) gradual relief of osteoporosis.

(1)  teriparitide (brand name: Forteo).  This (very expensive) drug is a peptide of the active part of  PTH.  Fortunately, my medical insurance covers this drug -- $ zero copay!  I'm injecting this daily.

(2) Tymlos:  Similar to the above drug - but a peptide of PTHRP (binds to the same sites as PTH).

(3) Evenity:  A new, even more expensive drug -- has a completely different procedure to grow bone -- so far only approved for use only for one year; and only approved for women (I couldn't get it).

  --  Saul



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