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Do you only absorb 65% of protein calories from broad beans and other beans?

Alex K Chen

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Values for the digestible indispensable amino acid score (DIAAS) of a protein are based on true ileal amino acid (AA) digestibility values obtained in adult humans or in the growing pig as an animal model. An experiment was conducted using growing pigs to determine the true ileal digestibility (TID) values of AA in six cooked Chinese pulses (kidney bean, mung bean, adzuki bean, broad beans, peas and chickpeas). Each pulse was included in a diet as the only source of crude protein (CP). An N-free diet was given to allow determination of gut endogenous AA losses. Seven growing pigs each fitted with a T-cannula at the terminal ileum were allotted to a 7 by 6 incomplete Latin square with seven diets and six 7-d periods. The true digestibility values % for the total indispensable AA were higher (p < 0.001) for broad beans (87.3 ± 2.98) and lower (p < 0.001) for kidney bean (73.3 ± 4.84) than for the other pulses. For the older child (over 3 years), adolescent and adult, the DIAAS (%) was 88 for kidney bean, 86 for mung bean, 76 for chickpeas, 68 for peas, 64 for adzuki bean and 60 for broad beans.

Damn, I should order way more broad beans then


kidney beans are 0.58 on Wikipedia... [intuition is that kidney beans are lower than other beans - HOEVER - most papers I'm seeing say it's roughly .7 to .8 range]. fava beans are very low. 

Maybe I should order more of these then, they're the safest to overeat b/c so much is not absorbed.


Aren't broad beans faba beans?

https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC11007748/ => faba beans (they consistently seem to have low digestibility)

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