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Comments on Blood Work

Paul McGlothin

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I think it is important for those who want comments on blood work to consider posting in these forums. The format lends itself to comparisons. So I have decided to start this forum post “Comments on Blood work,” hoping many who would like comments will consider posting there. Here is what Alistair Watson wrote:



“I've recently had annual blood work and am perplexed about one number - LDL



66 yr male, 133 lb, BMI = 19.6, waking deep oral temp ca. 97F, disease-free as best we can tell. Office job.”



Congratulations on what you have achieved, Alistair. You BMI is perfect – almost exactly the same as Walter Breuning, who at 114, was the oldest man in the world. He was calorie restricted, which for him meant eating two meals a day (breakfast and lunch like Meredith and me) and leaving the table slightly hungry.



Alistair wrote:


“Practice moderate CR and follow guides as per The CR Way book ... pretty adherent to qualitative aspects in diet selection, low GI & low protein, minimize methionine, (largely whole-food fresh source vegetarian, no dairy, no egg, no furry/feathery meat, rotate through canned salmon/herring/sardines/mackerel), and selected supplements adjusted as per discussion here…”




What selected supplements do you take, Alistair?



Enjoy high octane artisan dark chocolate (70%+ cacao), which does have lots of fats ... so might be more aware of the daily serving size!?



How much do you eat? Do you have nutritional breakdown of the fats it contains?


Doctor's visit:

BP - 118/66, pulse – 61



All excellent. However, if you want to take it further, aiming for extraordinary blood pressure (90/60 range) as seen in some of the Wash U. CR cohorts, I suggest you monitor your blood glucose. While your fasting level is fine, controlling your postprandial level would also be good. In working with lots of people who take our glucose control classes, this is what we see happen when they begin to control glucose really well.


"Blood Results: overnight fast

Standard panels all within normal range, noted specifics below, with my remarks –


WBC 5.1 K/cmm "lowish" but no shift"


Your observation about no shift is correct. The “shift” is likely reduced cell proliferation, which in my opinion is central to slowing aging through calorie restriction.


Glucose 86 mg/dL

HbA1c 5.4% [4.4 - 6.4] which seems in okay-good place, mid-lowish range


It is in a good place, Alistair. I aim for under 5 though.


Total Protein & Albumen mid range

Alkaline Phosphatase 35 U/L [lab range 39-139]


I have worked a lot on correlating alkaline phosphatase to exercise. Higher levels of bone faction Alkaline Phosphatase are related to bone formation.


Other liver enzymes mid-range ... so TP & Alk Phos suggest that liver is okay

TSH 1.64 uIU/mL [0.35 - 5.00]


I had hoped you might test T3, the classic thyroid hormone, which, when low in calorie restrictors, may indicate a “slowing metabolism” which really means slowing down cell proliferation, the name of the longevity game. For more, take a look at Luigi’s classic T3 study, I am sure, by the way that a doctor would be pleased with your TSH, however, Meredith and I aim for TSH that is slightly above the reference range, which may also be an indicator of slowed cell proliferation.




Free T4 1.2 ng/dL [0.7-1.9]

Vit D 25-OH - Total 56 ng/mL D3-54, this seems in sweet place


Cholesterol Panel:

Chol - 215 all as mg/dL

HDL - 54, reasonably good level

LDL - 148, WOW!!! Why so high !!!

Trig - 54

Chol/HDL ratio 3.8



Your Cholesterol and LDL are much higher than most calorie restrictors and you are right to be concerned. I suggest a thorough analysis of your diet with particular attention to total dietary fat content.


If you want, post a typical day’s diet on this thread and I will analyze it with the NutriBase CR Way Edition Software. The new Longer Life edition has a Heart Optimization function that would be useful for this discussion if you are willing to get a lipid test that provides an analysis of lipid subparticles.


I have been working with NutriBase for over a decade and frequently use it to help me figure out ways to optimize organ function. I have tracked lipids for years – frequently comparing slight dietary changes to outcomes. It took lots of work to get my lipids to the point where I felt that most lipid-related risk factors are minimized. So many times doctors don’t even bother to analyze and, as you experienced, they just dole out a statin. You were right to walk away.




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