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topic forum request


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I have started putting some recipes here:




The origin of these is our old, old website which is archived here:





As regards a recipe forum - that idea is getting kicked around. I think if we start to get enough traffic on the forums, it makes sense to make that split. We could always put recipe threads in any existing forum and move them in the future if suitable.

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  • 1 month later...



Does anyone out there know what happened to the CR wiki? It never did get going worth speaking of, but it did have a few recipes ...


Michael, Pardon belated reply (still trying to get used to reading the new forums...).


Our wiki, which I loved (all of it -- not just the recipes section), suffered from two problems. 1) Not enough people were contributing to it, and 2) it was being ruthlessly spammed. Neither of those problems seemed easy to fix (though both are, indeed, fixable). See we let the wiki sort of die.



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  • 2 months later...
Guest Thomas

I've been practicing CR for about a year. My medical check last month showed that my white blood cell count is 3.4 versus the normal range of 4.0-10 in my lab. Some internet search indicate that low WBC is common among CRonies. Among fellow CRonies, is low WBC common? Do you have this "issue"?

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I've been practicing CR for about a year. My medical check last month showed that my white blood cell count is 3.4 versus the normal range of 4.0-10 in my lab. Some internet search indicate that low WBC is common among CRonies. Among fellow CRonies, is low WBC common? Do you have this "issue"?


Hi Thomas!


You're doing fine! Low WBC is universal among those practicing CR. It appears that, although CRONNies have fewer white blood cells than ad-libbers, the ones that we

have do a better job.


-- Saul

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