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Do later generations age more slowly (or rapidly) than earlier generations?

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I've seen sources saying that the older members of newer generations (at least up to GenX, not necessarily GenY/GenZ) do seem to age more slowly than older ones - I think Morgan Levine has even said that there is an effect size of maybe a few years (tho not much more than that - this was in response to widespread "60 is the new 50" claims). This is in spite of increased rates of processed food consumption/obesity rates [in the **average** case]. The **healthiest** people in later generations are most predisposed to age more slowly, if anything [this is also because of lower infectious disease load, lower smoking rates *and* lead and air pollution exposure *and* organochlorine pesticide exposure [maybe including lower levels of the worst organophosphate pesticides], and **the healthiest** members of later cohorts are more resourceful and well-educated on health than the healthiest members of previous cohorts]. The healthiest people avoid overeating, but they can't avoid air pollution

https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/27/health/cigarette-smoking-decline/index.html (Millenials/GenZ vape, but vaping is 5% as bad as smoking is)

I've seen another source [can't find it] saying that the brain ages of more elderly later cohorts also seem to be "higher functioning" than those of earlier cohorts [Millennials are not old enough for this to apply]

The Internet seems to believe that millennials certainly LOOK YOUNGER at their age than previously generations did at theirs (they are slower to marry/become parents and become homeowners), but this may more be due to reduced sun exposure/more youthful choice of clothing+hairstyle and may not necessarily mean that they age more slowly.

But [idk how comprehensive the study] SOME STUDIES seem to suggest millennials are doing worse than their parents on SOME blood panels https://www.scmp.com/lifestyle/health-wellness/article/3244642/millennials-ageing-faster-their-parents-studies-and-experts-say-heres-why-and-how-they-can-slow

https://academic.oup.com/aje/article/190/11/2242/6178413?login=false [says Millenials are actually aging worse than previous generations, idk how comprehensive the study coverage is..]


might suggest otherwise


FOUND THE SOURCE: https://today.usc.edu/older-americans-experiencing-delayed-aging-better-health/ [however, this ONLY explains boomers and not millenials]. Boomers have reduced infectious disease load but they have peak lead/air pollution exposure load.

https://www.sciencealert.com/humans-are-biologically-younger-than-ten-years-ago-ageing [ONLY IN OLDER cohorts, NOT millenials]


BRAIN FUNCTION BETTER IN YOUNGER GENERATIONS: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0378512222000779?via%3Dihub

[again, only says that Boomers have better brain function than the Greatest Generation, not much about Millennials]

Edited by InquilineKea
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