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The science and theory behind calorie restriction in humans and other critters.
For beginers and experts, how to apply the principles of calorie restriction to improve health and longevity.
Anything goes: birdwatching, music, etc. Imagine you're at dinner after a CR conference: Let's get to know one another! (Anything goes: CR isn't excluded.)
Exercise, vitamins, supplements, and any other non-CR topic related to health and longevity.
Member donated recipes. See what others are eating and decide for yourself. Add your own.
Accessible to CR Society registered members, this Community forum is for issues of general interest.
Mike Lustgarten · Started Sunday at 12:13 PM
Alex K Chen · Started January 2, 2023
Alex K Chen · Started Thursday at 11:32 PM
Alex K Chen · Started November 12, 2023
Mike Lustgarten · Started January 12
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