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CR in a few years?

Kathryn Z

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I became very interested in CR a while ago after it was mentioned in a newspaper article. I read several of the books and have decided to get started! I always considered my diet and lifestyle to be "healthy", but I realize now that I have a long way to go...


I am not ready to start restricting calories right now because of my current age and weight. I am 21 years old and have a healthy BMI of 19. I would like to start focusing on the "optimal nutrition" aspect of the diet now, and then do CR once I am completely done growing and developing. Is it correct that mid to late twenties is the best time to start?


Also, I am a college student and eat a lot of meals on the go. I used to eat protein bars but after studying the ingredients, I realized that I was just eating a slightly healthier version of a candy bar. Does anyone have recipes/suggestions for class, going out, traveling, etc? Thank you!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Guest

I became very interested in CR a while ago after it was mentioned in a newspaper article. I read several of the books and have decided to get started! I always considered my diet and lifestyle to be "healthy", but I realize now that I have a long way to go...


I am not ready to start restricting calories right now because of my current age and weight. I am 21 years old and have a healthy BMI of 19. I would like to start focusing on the "optimal nutrition" aspect of the diet now, and then do CR once I am completely done growing and developing. Is it correct that mid to late twenties is the best time to start?


Also, I am a college student and eat a lot of meals on the go. I used to eat protein bars but after studying the ingredients, I realized that I was just eating a slightly healthier version of a candy bar. Does anyone have recipes/suggestions for class, going out, traveling, etc? Thank you!


It is my understanding that the benefits from calorie restriction begin at the time you start the program so the sooner the better; however, if you haven't reached maturity restricting calories could stunt your growth.


As to eating on the go, simply make the foods you like which comply with CR at home when you have time and then pack them to go so you can grab a few if you are on the run.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest boomdog

I became very interested in CR a while ago after it was mentioned in a newspaper article. I read several of the books and have decided to get started! I always considered my diet and lifestyle to be "healthy", but I realize now that I have a long way to go...


I am not ready to start restricting calories right now because of my current age and weight. I am 21 years old and have a healthy BMI of 19. I would like to start focusing on the "optimal nutrition" aspect of the diet now, and then do CR once I am completely done growing and developing. Is it correct that mid to late twenties is the best time to start?


Also, I am a college student and eat a lot of meals on the go. I used to eat protein bars but after studying the ingredients, I realized that I was just eating a slightly healthier version of a candy bar. Does anyone have recipes/suggestions for class, going out, traveling, etc? Thank you!


Make and freeze some megamuffins. You can pull one out an microwave it on the way out the door any time you need a boost and 10% of your nutrients for the day. There are multiple recipes available on the web, including Sherm's original recipe, and Michael Rae's modified versions M2 (high protein) and M3 (low protein). I've developed a gluten-free (and low dairy) version. Very handy to have around.

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