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How to access full-text research papers for free!

James Cain

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I'm all for free access to academic papers. Interlibrary loa is great but a lot of people don't have access to it. Here are two methods that actually work that anyone can use!

  1. 1. Sci-Hub. It looks like a weird Russian scam or something but it honestly works, and has a great Chrome extension to automate the process.
  1. 2. Using ‪#‎canihazpdf‬ on Twitter to request papers.

And of course what would academia be without some deeper scientific analysis on the issue?

"Bypassing Interlibrary Loan Via Twitter: An Exploration of ‪#‎icanhazpdf‬ Requests" (PDF)


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Wow James,


Those are two great solutions - much easier than bothering Al Pater to send me the pdf of a paper!  :)xyz


I tried the first one via the Chrome browser plug-in and it worked the very first time - the not-normally-available-to-me paper popped right up.


Hopefully it won't be taken down anytime soon...


Here is a BBC article on the Twitter hashtag #ICANHAZPDF (play on 'I can have pdf') discussing the legality / ethics of scientific paper sharing via this service.



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