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Visit to Swallow Valley Farm in Northern California!

Paul McGlothin

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Meredith and I are helping plan a visit to Nick Colby, a successful calorie restrictor, who lives in Northern California. Nick is a retired professor of Anthropology and a hard-at-work author. He enthusiastically welcomes a visit by CR Society and LivingTheCRWay members to the wonderful Swallow Valley Farm he created -- a self-sustaining agricultural project. Here's how it is described on the Swallow Valley website:



Happy animals and beautiful environment at Swallow Valley Farm are possible through dedicated, hard-working individuals who are passionate about what they do.


Swallow Valley Farm strives to create a "beyond sustainable" business that not only helps the local economy but also the ecological, cultural, and physical well-being of every living creature associated with Swallow Valley Farms. As an owner of the farm, Nick has long been dedicated to the environment, culture, and the sciences as well as the well-being of our society as a whole. Speak up, Northern California Folk, if you would like to join in an outing to Nick's farm.









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Finally, we are going to Nick's farm! it will be a special event on Saturday, June9 --part of the upcoming CR Society conference. We are so excited about visiting this wonderful place and getting a tour.


It will be a great opportunity to interact too. If you are new and have lots of CR-related questions, this will be a great conference for you. Consider it a must attend.



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