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Mental effects of cr-dieting


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Hi everyone,


I just wanted to mention that when I do stick to a cr-diet (I do for 1-2 weeks every month -- it's hard for me to do it longer), I feel much more at ease and anger slower and get impatient less often -- I'm also less irritable and have less anxiety... Did anyone else notice these differences? I also have insomnia and I see a big difference when I eat less... (I sleep deeper and faster) What do you think?



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Absolutely, these are common results based on what I’ve read and experienced. Although I don’t think it’s exclusive to CR, you can get the same results on a good plant based whole food diet, especially so if you add cold exposure to the mix.

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Certainly a reduced need for sleep is very common for people on CR; improved sleep quality is also often reported, although somewhat less so.


It's not uncommon for people to actually become more irritable in the early days of CR, but this tends to resolve itself: many long-time and some short-time CR practitioners experience deep emotional calm and enhanced emotional clarity — what one of our former posters called the "CR Zen." This practitioner actually stayed on CR for an extended period during which he had lost interest in life extension, entirely in order to reap this abiding calm and clarity of thinking. And I know of quite a few people who have said that CR alleviates their (clinical) anxiety, which is consistent with animal work.

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