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Booming national and world economy -- several anti-aging gatherings -- good time for the long-delayed CR X?


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Dear colleagues,


The last few meetings of the CR Society had wonderful speakers, but disappointingly few CR Society members attending.We should remember, that the US -- and world's -- economy were crawling at a snail's pace at that time; there was high unemployment -- and many of the unemployed had given up looking for work.

As pointed out to me by Brian Delaney, most CR Society members are very far from being wealthy. It was a bad time to present CR IX.


Times have changed; we're living in a booming US -- and world -- economy. Rising wages, the lowest unemployment in many years,lower taxes, new highs in the stock market.


And there are several societies presenting material on aging -- and anti-aging (including "Rescue Elders" in Florida, among others).


IMO, this is a GOOD time for the resurgence of CR Society meetings. I think it's a good time for David and Robert to consider planning a CR X. I volunteer to help.


-- Saul

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Great idea Saul.


1) If cost is not an issue: 6/27-7/1 in Philly: https://www.americanagingassociation.org/( cost is high enough I may only attend if we are coordinating something then)


2) If cost is an issue ( free, on a Monday but can be connected to the weekend for the main get-together ), in Boston Monday 6/25: http://www.hms.harvard.edu/agingresearch/index.php/events/symposium


Hope that helps get the ball rolling :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Mechanism!


This would be a good group with which to partner -- and it's in the Summer, so most academics (like I) would have no problem attending:




American Aging Association


47th Annual Meeting

held in conjunction with the


2018 Nathan Shock Centers Summit


Improving Resiliency

to Delay Aging


June 27 -July 1, 2018


Philadelphia, PA


-- Saul

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