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It seems to me that this is pretty much become the majority opinion on these boards - CR will extend healthspan, but not lifespan (or at least very minimally in case of lifespan). This again argues for the disconnection between healthspan and lifespan - but it's still worthwhile to spend your last years healthy rather than merely surviving - squaring the curve. I think these boards have drifted to more of a focus on health than strictly lifespan extension. Most are (perhaps) resigned to living not much longer if at all, but betting on living in robust health until the last second just before they drop dead.

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IMO, there is evidence that the following factors contribute to increased healthspan and AVERAGE lifespan: CRON, daily vigorous aerobic exercise, excellent medical care, mindfulness and meditation.

Despite Aubrey's well thought out skepticism, I am one of those who believes it possible that some of these factors might also lead to increased MAXIMAL lifespan.

How much (increased maximal lifespan) from each of these factors is unclear (in fact, some of these factors are not clearly defined (what kind of vigorous exercise?; what defines "excellent" medical care).

But among these, IMO CRON and possibly exercise stand out as our best option to (almost certainly) increase our healthspan -- and, perhaps, even lifespan.

50 years from now, some statistics about the healthspan and lifespan of long standing CRON practitioners -- will finally give some very solid evidence on this subject.


Note also that some long time CRON practitioners are more rigorous than others -- and our diets are all different.


Some of us are the guinea pigs.




-- Saul

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Saul:  ...some of these factors might also lead to increased MAXIMAL lifespan.



A group of  CRON+* practitioners increasing maximal lifespan would mean  their  living  on average past,  say,  115 years?


Using maximum-reported-age-at-death data, the Einstein researchers put the average maximum human life span at 115 years -- a calculation allowing for record-oldest individuals occasionally living longer or shorter than 115 years. (Jeanne Calment [122 yrs.], they concluded, was a statistical outlier.) Finally, the researchers calculated 125 years as the absolute limit of human lifespan. Expressed another way, this means that the probability in a given year of seeing one person live to 125 anywhere in the world is less than 1 in 10,000.




List of the verified oldest people




* CRON+ =  CRON plus optimal exercise, medical care etc.

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My take; All these computations and calculations are based on axioms, which may be completely false, partially true or totally false (some axioms partly based on some minimal data, that is much too meagre to be statistically significant).

Those readers of these forums who maintain a rigorous CRON diet, may provide some limited human data, concerning maximal lifespan.

Of course, as (almost) everyone in this thread notes, the evidence is already pretty strong that CRON will increase healthspan, and (probably) average lifespan.


Sibiriac and Mechanism: I won't hypothesize any conjectured numbers that pertain to humans; the data is too sparse. "Computed" numbers on available data is essentially "guesswork".

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