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Many of us here are fairly robotic, and eat the same thing day in and day out.  Some of us enjoy more diversity and enjoy exploring culinary aspects of foods. Yet for many people browsing this forum, they aren't exactly sure what our meals looks like.  Let us share our wonderful food creations with one another!


I just enjoyed a delicious lunch.  It consisted of the following:


  • Purple sweet potato, chick peas, broccoli, cauliflower, carrots, mushrooms, 1 tsp of olive oil, 1 tbsp of 20-spice mix, garlic, oregano, parsley, cilantro, chili peppers, and 2 oranges for dessert.


Ingredients were organic when possible. I also get centenarian status for eating Okinawan sweet potato, right? Calorie total was about 700-800, but I don't watch that closely.  I just eat more or less depending on what the scale says each day. Did I mention the food was incredibly delicious? Bon appetit!



Edited by Dean Pomerleau
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Thanks for making the picture show up directly - I wasn't sure exactly how to do that. 





I'm still at 3 meals a day with a 12-13 hour overnight fast.  I find this to be a really sustainable and easy way to eat.  Hopefully I still receive some of the benefits with time away from food (ie. autophagy). I won't be coming to Costa Rica. Looking at that thread, I am very jealous of those who will be able to attend! Black rice is amazing. My only caveat is that I can't find any organic varieties at my local stores, though I can often find as part of some 'heritage blend' or whatnot. 

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I am at a vegan camping for holidays on the sea in the South of italy. The cook is excellent and the whole staff are strongly believers in the vegan choice. The environmnet is very friendly and joiful. I try to attach a picture of yesterday lunch.

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Today's lunch:

  • Close to a pound of cauliflower and full broccoli spears (leaf, stem, and all), with 20+ spices, granted most of which are in very small quantities
  • Brown rice, blueberries, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, cherries, chia seeds, cocoa, and my secret weapon
  • Secret nut/seed butter: cashews, almonds, chia seeds, brazil nuts, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, hazelnuts - this stuff is to die for


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Cloud, that sounds neat – I am not familiar with vegan camping, how did you find it?

Hello Mechanism, in Italy there are various associations proposing summer holidays in camping on the sea with vegan (or pesco-vegetarian) meals.they propose also some activities, for example in the morning yoga or taiji, in the afternoon something for children and in the evening usually something with music, etc. The quality of proposal can be very different. I like this one I have found because

the meals are excellent and they are good people,with a sincere and open attitude. We are more then 100 people, the majority staying in tents, others in bungalows or small apartment. I attach the pictures of today's and yesterday's lunch.



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Yes, I make a daily power powder mix it always includes flax seed and chia seed (and turmeric powder if I don't have fresh root), then some rotation of other spices.  Here is a little something I whipped up at work today for lunch: black rice, barley, apples, banana, lime, beet, cactus pear, avocado, broccoli, tomato, onion, sweet potato, black potato, corn, turmeric root, blueberries (+ flaxseed / chia seed / spice mix & mixed nuts).


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Looks deicious cloud! If you have any specific recommendations I'd love to write down for our "bucket list" - I'm sure we will visit Italy some day... My wife's grandparents are from the old country!


Hello Mechanism, sorry for the delay, we returned home just yesterday and before I had some troubles to connecting to the CR forum with my smartphone.

The association I talked about is named "Sognamondo", they organize eco camping with vegan food in Gargano, a beautiful area located in Puglia, ar Region in the South of Italy.

When you will visit Italy make me know, we can organise a CR meeting here :-) 

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Let me also add a simple, delicious, cheap, easy to prepare and colorful lunch for this topic. I also add arugula on top so it contains black, red and pink from rice, orange from sweet potato, purple from potato, yellow from corn and green from arugula. Did I miss any rainbow colors:) It's a bit starch heavy but in winter I need all the calories that I can fit to my stomach in order to prevent losing uncontrolled weight.



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