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Recommend Videos and Podcasts on Health and Nutrition

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I've been listening to or watching a lot of presentations and talks on nutrition on Youtube and elsewhere lately. I thought it'd be good to have a topic where members can add links to stuff they find particularly interesting, and I couldn't find one after a cursory search here. So, I'll start, by posting two that particularly impressed me lately.

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20 hours ago, mccoy said:

This I found pretty interesting. RDA of B12 and zinc according to MAsterjohn should be satisfied daily or almost. Also, nutrients which need to be satisfied on the average weekly.




Most people aren't deficient in B12. In contrast, most don't eat green vegetables, and may have suboptimal Vitamin K1 intakes, which may limit health and lifespan:


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Thank you for the suggestions. Stuff to watch or listen to, and hopefully learn from, on my daily hikes or during drives :)

Here is what I just listened to and liked (it touches on salt, fat, how they relate to diabetes, and other stuff that may be of interest):


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  • 2 weeks later...

I found this lecture on human dietary patterns interesting. While it mainly focuses on debunking the "Paleo-diet," it gives a broad overview of how the human diet evolved in different regions, and how genetic and microbiome adaptations followed in populations as food sources changed.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Here is a video on Black Cumin (Nigella Sativa).

Numerous purported benefits, mentioned in the Bible and personally recommended by the Prophet Muhammad. So, it must be good, right?

I've been using it for about a year now, I have grown to appreciate the subtle taste it adds. It's used in Middle Eastern and Indian cuisine.


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  • 2 weeks later...
23 hours ago, Mike41 said:

Exactly! Oil is refined food. It’s sugar basically healthwise!!! I’m so tired of the olive oil bullshit! The endothelial function, the diabetic connection etc. 

EVOO is not so refined. Sugar does not contain valuable components of the polyphenols group,  like the secoiridoids. And the tocopherols. And much more.

I'm amused at how much damage the vegan doctors attribute to oils, EVOO included. They need enemies even within the plant-based world, evidently. As if there were not enough enemies among the dairy products, the meats, the fish.

Devils everywhere. Reminds me of the definition of schizophrenia. Delusions ad hallucinations. 😈👹👺

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Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by continuous or relapsing episodes of psychosis.[5] 

Major symptoms include hallucinations (typically hearing voices), like: 'EVOO is death, EVOO is the devil...'

delusions: oils, fats, plant-based and animal-based, are poisonous and toxic, all illness stem from them....

and disorganized thinking: You cannot eat any amounts of oil, since you cannot say how close you will walk into the abyss.... (rephrased from a podcast from Dr. Esseltsyn).

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On 6/15/2021 at 4:49 PM, mccoy said:

EVOO is not so refined. Sugar does not contain valuable components of the polyphenols group,  like the secoiridoids. And the tocopherols. And much more.

I'm amused at how much damage the vegan doctors attribute to oils, EVOO included. They need enemies even within the plant-based world, evidently. As if there were not enough enemies among the dairy products, the meats, the fish.

Devils everywhere. Reminds me of the definition of schizophrenia. Delusions ad hallucinations. 😈👹


Conspiracy theories aside, if you want polyphenols they are quite available in whole plant foods and you’ll save yourself a lot of calories.


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On 6/17/2021 at 12:52 AM, Mike41 said:

Conspiracy theories aside, if you want polyphenols they are quite available in whole plant foods and you’ll save yourself a lot of calories.

I totally concur! IF lower calories are desired, then it is mandatory to eat as less fats as possible.

BUT, the vegan-extremist doctors, seem to hate oils regardless of calories or whatever else. They do not mention caloric restriction, they just loathe, detest, abominate oils, even if they are of strictly vegetable origin. At this point I wonder if they despise seeds as well, they contain abundant oil, even though most of it is unsaturated.

Sure enough, some of the vegexgtremists hate nuts (Dr. McDougall), nuts must have been a mistake of the vegetable kingdom.

Sometimes I wonder who is nuttier, the nuts or these guys...

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